Thursday, November 1, 2007

#6 & #7 Really simple or dumbing down.....?

Newsfeeds are a clever use of technology, possibly for those on the run, or more probably those who have way to much time on their hands. I have known about newsfeeds for some time but have never wanted to engage really, just too much information. I find it hard enough keeping up with the email lists about work issues that I subscribe to, these are very useful I have to say. I guess if you hone your subscriptions it would be good to have that select group of feeds there at the ready, it is convenient. I'm not keen on the Google reader layout, it's a bit clunky looking. I'll keep an eye on my feeds for a while and see if I actually do find them useful, or if it is just too much. I think it's that sensation of being cluttered, or a sense of feeling obligated to read these things once I have subscribed that really puts me off. Also the sense of not being out there on the web 'on the hunt' so to speak, finding new information or sources, being locked in to the subscriptions I have. That's it for RSS from me.


John Uskglass said...

Well, I'm quite fond of RSS - but then I do have a lot of friends who blog... I've yet to use it for anything work related.

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

It is very easy to become overloaded with feeds (just like emails)
Thanks goodness there is a "read all button" if you become too overwhelmed.
keep up the good work
